1. No student should absent himself/herself from the examination or the tests except when prevented by reasons of ill-health in which case a medical certificate shall be produced along with separate application from the parent in person.

  2. In case student remains absent from the school during any examination, no re-examination shall be conducted under any circumstances whatsoever.

  3. Students who violate discipline grossly by misbehaving, disobedience, cheating in the examination, changing marks in the report card etc., their names will be struck off from the school register and dismissed.

  4. Any student found cheating or attempting to cheat in the test or examination will be given a zero in the paper and/or any other punishment, even dismissal at the discretion of the management. Any kind of gesture, whispering. Changing seat or use of chits will be understood as attempting to cheat.

  5. Calculators are not allowed in the Examination. Students can use Logarithm Tables if necessary.

  6. Students should not write anything on the question papers, or it will be considered as an attempt to cheat. They can make ‘Rough column’ if necessary.

  7. Any examinee can be interrogated or searched before or during the examination by the invigilators in case of any doubt.

  8. Wilful breach of any of regulations for the conduct of the examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination room or if discovered subsequently canceling of the papers.

  9. No arguments or questions whatsoever will be entertained regarding these rules in the office.

